Tuesday, May 1

there isn't much time left

some things are a really big deal. some things aren't a really big deal. life as usual contains quite a mix of both.

Starcustard chapters one through eight are all finished, revised, and revised again. tidied up and set straight. chris and i, we're calling them Act One.

before i go away, i'm sprucing up the delinquent website once more. it shall hold my place in cyberland for me while i am gone. the new version will be simpler, more organized. and it will have the above mangled photograph on its cute front page. yes, really.

the biggest deal of all is what i am doing to make the world a better place. making a difference on this little planet. can you do that by typing out all your rhetorical thoughts into an inconsequential blog like this? i don't know. can you do it with a cool graphic design job in the middle of nowhere? maybe. can you change the world by teaching twelve year olds what "a href" means? perhaps. will you make anyone happier by carrying around a lot of slim blue paperbacks and knocking on doors in some foreign place?

maybe everything makes a difference. i'm sure it does. but what sort of difference?

the biggest deal of all is what i am doing to make myself a better person.

does that mean being terrified and going ahead with something just because it feels like the right thing to do?

i guess so.

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