Tuesday, February 9

j is for...

I know not many of my readers here are in the business of web development, but it's a pot I keep finding myself in. and this is cool. believe me.

as much as I try I cannot get over how glorious and wonderful this
jquery stuff is. I can't really remember what I used it for last time, but this time it's proving even more essential. our current web project has been completely different from any of my previous attempts. I'm glad I've got genius brother around to do the insanely tricky parts.

it's been pretty fun, polishing up my tarnished design skills and wedging them into a totally new setup. I get to feed CSS to a monster named Django, and so far... I still have all my fingers and toes. the design is actually working. the interface is going to be flawless. you can't imagine how exciting that is.

last week I discovered a little site that I now don't think I could ever live without, as a webdesigner: jquery tools. such slick and simple little plugins. they make me so happy. it all makes this long, precarious and messy road seem much, much brighter.


Chesles said...

yay jquery :)

Amelia Chesley said...

heh. that is exactly what you said last time...