Friday, July 10

useful making and useless art

my current laptop came with a fancy pen-stylus thing. its battery is dead now, but when it still worked I made this scribbly blue mess as a kind of a test. 

what to do with it now? 

nothing, beyond blogging about it here and having a vague opinion that it is kindof interesting. 

they say after all that art must be useless or it isn't real art. 

these other images are photos of a high school art project.

colored pencil. colors matched up in complimentary pairs. I like it. 

and I say this one is much more interesting than the digital piece. but I face the same question with it-- even moreso because it's real paper that takes up space in our tiny apartment. 

what to do? well, with this one took photos for blogging purposes and then tucked it into the frame of some other art piece for safekeeping, for now. 

at the end of the day I want to say neither piece has been fully useless, after all. their use just came earlier, in the process of making. one taught me some of the affordances of my then-new laptop. the other helped me learn about color and pencil, line and precision and tracing, all as part of the only official, formal art class I ever took. 

that the results feel relatively useless now doesn't erase that. 

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