so the other day, dear Nicola (look, she has a blog) and I exchanged the following short set of words--
Nic: I'm going to make tiffin now.
me: me too, i wish... maybe i'll just come visit you again, and you can share.
Nic: Yes! One day we shall have a tiffin reunion.
me: totally. it should be a regular annual thing, really.
Nic: And each year it should occur in a different place around the world.
for anyone who doesn't remember, I was so kind as to introduce you to the glory of tiffin back in November. have you tried it yet? or was my interpretation the recipe too sloppy and inaccurate to be of any use?
well, it doesn't matter. I think we just might institute an international tiffin convention. why not? and for the sake of small, personal anniversaries, we could schedule it on March 19th, since that was the day last year when I first met Nicola and first tasted tiffin. I remember it was a beautiful, large square piece, and it seduced me completely. if you are any sort of chocolate lover, I'm sure it would've done the same to you.
I have no doubt that everyone everywhere will fully support the idea of an international tiffin convention. the only detail left up for debate is where we ought to convene. any suggestions?
When are you blogging about the amazing beans on toast you had? That is what I want to know.
hmm.... that is a very good question. this didn't really count, did it: ?
Also, can't believe it was nearly a year ago! March 19th shall henceforth be Tiffin Scoffin' Day.
yes. :)
I made a whole pan of tiffin to bring to church yesterday.... and there was not any left! I'll just have to make more next weekend now...
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