Tuesday, November 23

you can also call it 'fridge cake'

when I was gallivanting about England this spring, I met a number of wonderful people. and one of them, by the name of Ms. Nicola Swann (dreadfully awesome and posh name, isn't that?), introduced me to a beautiful chocolate confection they call tiffin. and she wrote out the recipe for me. and I love her for it(okay, and because she's just really cool, also). the ingredients are mostly in tricky grams, but I usually convert them (somewhat roughly) into more convenient measurements like 'one stick of butter' and 'a few handfuls of dried fruit.' it's one of those recipes that are impossible to ruin--unless you burn the chocolate.
where did she discover this most perfect dessert? I do not know and it does not matter. but I'm glad she did. and I'm glad I was there to help her eat some. and I'm glad she took the time to write out the recipe for me. and I'm glad it's so easy to make. here's what you do:

1. melt about half a bag of chocolate chips with one stick of butter and a few tablespoons of corn syrup. be careful and don't burn the chocolate! that would be almost tragic.
2. throw in some broken cookies, dried fruit, chopped nuts if you like.
3. spread it all in the bottom of a sheet tray or baking dish.
4. let it chill for twenty minutes or so.
5. melt the rest of the chocolate with a little bit more butter, and spread that on top.
6. chill some more.
7. melt a bit of white chocolate and drizzle it over the other layers.
8. chill just a few minutes longer.

and then cut it into pieces and you eat it. or stuff it into the middle of your cupcake batter. or crumble it over ice cream. or take it to your neighbors, if you're feeling generous. in any case, it's often helpful to invite friends over, so they can help keep you from devouring the whole pan all by yourself.


Nicola said...

Good batch!
I didn't realise that I have a posh name... Already knew it was awesome though :D

Amelia Chesley said...

well, to be honest, I am american, and for all i know i might be misusing the word 'posh' in a horrible manner. who knows? but i think it sounds posh. :)

Unknown said...

that sounds fabulous! and easy... I'm going to try this out!

Amelia Chesley said...

yes, elsie. it is glorious. i can send you that actual amounts of things too, if you want. but anyway, let me know how it turns out!