Tuesday, July 14

six pounds of salted butter

about three weeks ago, the store brand of butter was on sale. so I bought six boxes.

and then I realized most of it was salted instead of unsalted. meh. 

but half of it has been used for pie crust by now anyway. some pie crust dough is still in the freezer, and some has been baked into quiches and veggie pot pies. next up: a beet, goat cheese, and kale galette. 

eventually I'll make a dessert with some of the pie crust, instead of all this savory stuff. I have had my eye on this strawberry cheesecake ice cream pie ... but it calls for graham cracker crust, not pastry. perhaps this one instead? it looks like it could do a good job as the consummate dessert pie of the summer.

any other suggestions? favourite summer pie recipes?

{ yes, I intended the title of this post to echo the best line from the 1985 movie adaptation of a specific moment from chapter 25 of Anne of Green Gables, in case you were wondering. }

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