Tuesday, January 4

pictures make things better too

I don't know if I'd trade a whole thousand words just for one... but they are nice. they make a lot of things better than they would be without. the internet, for example. and blank walls. scrapbooks. children's books. wedding invitations, sometimes. and especially cookbooks. every cookbook should be required to have at least a handful of decent color photographs. someone somewhere should be in charge of policing all cookbook publishers. words don't really make food better. but photographs... they make cookbooks awesome. they make you hungry, and being hungry always makes food better, doesn't it?

I came home from the library yesterday with a cookbook: The Ultimate Slow Cooker Book from Better Homes & Gardens. it has pictures--almost one or two on every page--and also a bunch of colorful headings in a very nice slab-serif font.

I could've picked any other cookbook from the packed shelves in the cookbook section, but I picked this one because I really do love Better Homes & Gardens, for some reason, and also because my dear sister(who never blogs) and her new husband gave me a crock pot for my birthday. it's beautiful and red and I can't wait to use it. (this is your cue, everyone, to start sending me your favourite crock pot recipes. especially you Bekah--I know you have a few awesome ones.)

ironically, there are no pictures in this blogpost. I will take some later, perhaps, so you can all see my one and only kitchen appliance.


The Merrills said...

You are absolutely positively right! I can't wait to see your crockpot, especially because its red! My new fav color!

Amelia Chesley said...

red is a great color, I agree.