Saturday, April 1


the tournament of books has concluded, gloriously as ever. I have only read two of the contestants (neither of which were winners though one came close)-- but one other is on my bedsidetable and a handful of others are on hold at the library. both finalists seem like highly fascinating books. 

I need a new way to keep track of my reading lists. goodreads used to be pretty useful for that... but somehow it got less convenient and cluttered with amazon-ness. shall I switch to a notebook? or a spreadsheet? or taking photos for instagram?

or maybe it isn't so cucial to record all the books I might ever want to read. I'll read the ones I get to and forget the rest anyway, right?

but for the 2023 tournament of books record:

I really loved Zevin's Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Dinosaurs was rather lovely, though its ending bewildered me in its relative blandness. 

what next?

so many books. and summer is only 4ish weeks away.

there is much to do before then, including

- the regular teaching grading work
- two publication drafts
- the copyediting and layouts for a post-covid comeback issue of The Black Box, our little campus literary magazine.

exciting stuff, overall. let April's hours make room for all of it and plenty of reading for fun too. 

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