Wednesday, September 7

is there a collective noun for lists?

foods I should eat more often (but not too often) because I love them so much:

- brie
- beets
- gnocchi
- sweetcorn
- dark chocolate

half-finished blogposts that I need to either finish or give up on:

- one about things I did this summer (with lots of photos)
- one about my first official co-authored publication thing
- one about things facebook seems to be up to
- one about whoever Prince is, and music, and theatre
- one about urbanity (specifically, maybe, traffic, insects, and cinder blocks)
- one with a bunch of links that seem to be broken or dead now (except for this one and this one?)
- one about Chagall and repetition and shared-ness
- one about memorable vehicles belonging to people I used to know
- one about my little brother's axe handle and other technologies
- a few with many, many photos from Austin and San Antonio
- a few about generosity and gratitude
- a few about books (The Myth of Sisyphus and Spinster)

books from this year's Tournament of Books long list I still want to read:

- Delicious Foods, by James Hannaham
- Signs Preceding the End of the World, by Yuri Herrera
- Submission, by Michel Houellebecq
- The Tsar of Love and Techno, by Anthony Marra

a few things that happened today, September 7, 2016:

- I sent 3 emails and 6 text messages
- I met with several colleagues and several students
- I cut my left-hand index finger on the pop-top of a small can of ginger ale, one that Ellery left at my house after some sort of social gathering once upon a time
- I read this fascinating little article about linguistics, language, reality and aliens
- I made pie crust, and used half of it to make a peach galette (the other half will be a butternut-squash-and-onion galette, I think)
- I planned to go to the gym after choir practice but got into a car wreck instead (not my fault, not too devastating, could've been a million-billion-trillion times worse)
- I skipped choir and the gym and took a long soak in the tub instead, with one of my awesome sister's grapefruit-scented bath bombs

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