Friday, November 25

I'm not just saying this

yesterday was the tenth Thanksgiving I've spent away from home. for some of those I've been abroad in countries where they don't exactly celebrate this holiday. for some I've been with various extended family, which is lovely, but for most of them I've been lucky enough to get adopted by extra-hospitable people who don't mind fitting an extra chair around their table. someday I'll pay all that hospitality forward, I promise.

this year I am thankful for Texas. doesn't Texas have a great flag? so simple. bold. I like it.

I never planned to spend much time in this gigantic state, but since moving here three months ago, I've discovered just how cool it is. inexplicable, really.

I'm also super grateful to my genius brother's dear fiancee and her parents who temporarily adopted me for Thanksgiving this year and introduced me to the wonder of real green bean casserole. it's been a lovely weekend. and tomorrow we are going to gallivant around Fort Worth for a bit. art museums. famously talked-up mexican food. maybe the zoo?

I hope all of you had a most fabulous Thanksgiving. cross your fingers for me that I survive the last three weeks left of the semester...

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