Tuesday, September 22

free samples

I live with a librarian.

there are books all over the place. it's lovely. Bekah leaves them lying conveniently on the edges of tables or next to the sofa and then, when she goes off to her wonderful job, I innocently pick them up to inspect their covers. then I curiously peek inside them to see if the first sentence is any good. and then I ravenously sit down and devour them. Bekah's taste in books makes this pretty easy to do. she doesn't tend to bring home stuff like Gone With The Wind or War and Peace. mostly we get young adult fiction things. literary chocolate chip cookies, if you will. I love it.

here, have a short list:

How to Ditch Your Fairy, by Justine Larbalestier.
Wings, by Aprilynne Pike
Unwind, by Neal Shusterman

and just today: The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner (for our book club this evening. that's my excuse.)

next? Rampant, by Diana Peterfreund. or perhaps one of the others I've seen lying around in the basement lately. Academy 7 looked quite mysterious. Never Slow Dance with a Zombie's got a nice font on the cover. and maybe my lucky librarian roommate will come home today with half a dozen more to choose from. who knows when I'll finish the books I've checked out for myself.

but I suppose there's no rush.

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