Wednesday, August 19

don't psychoanalyze the elf

I'm studying for the GRE.


I never study for anything, usually. I'm one of those people.

But my new goal in life is to get a perfect score on this test. all possible points, all the best answers--all of it. I've always been good at taking tests, so I figure it won't be that much of a stretch.

we found a practice book at the library. one of those Princeton Review things, highly recommended. I like it lots. if I end up writing books like that someday, I hope I can make them as funny as whoever wrote that one did (example: the title of this post, copied straight from one of this book's section headings. isn't that great?).

I'm beginning to realize that this goal of mine is a fairly pointless one. most graduate programs won't care a ton whether or not I have a perfect score on this silly test. but it's just something I want to try. and I'm just cocky enough to think I actually have a chance. seriously.

learning all the vocabulary and things is great fun. it's the math that's gonna be hard.

I'm thinking I'll register to take the test sometime in November. that means I have until then to be deciding on schools to attend, programs to apply for...

again, this all might be very pointless.

I'm going to do it anyway.


Jeff said...

Wow, what a lofty goal. I hope you achieve it! I don't dare strive for a perfect score on the LSAT, I'll be happy if I can muster just a few points better than my previous attempt. :)

Amelia Chesley said...

I'm sure you'll do great. do you know where you want to go to law school yet?