Tuesday, September 20

slavery and eternal wishfullness

My cousin and I had a great conversation about words over a green-papered table up at school last saturday night. It was Poetry and a Beverage, the monthly shindig the university puts on for aspiring artists to share their poetical or musical artistry. My friend/neighbor Bruce was playing in it, along with a few other people I know. I mostly went to stare at him.

My cousin is studying latin, and he's into languages now that he knows russian. So we talked about our favourite words and he told me their etymologies. 'oxymoron,' for instance, means sharp-dull in greek.

And staring at the adorable guitarist Bruce was nice too.

It's only Tuesday, so as far as this week goes I can't say much, but it's started off well. I've applied for yet another webdesign job. Classes are going well. Tomorrow I have a test in modern rhetorical theory, a two-page memo due in specialized documents, and a bunch of other work to do. I hope I can keep ahead of things.

Work is work. My job takes way too much commitment for what it pays me.

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