Thursday, July 7


I'm working on one major thing for my internship at Isotope and one minor thing that's not really for it but is connected to it. Or might be, if it is finished and good enough.

The first thing--the major thing--is my overhaul of their website. I've linked to the old one above. My current in-progress redesign is here: prepare to be amazed. I'm having a great time working on it. As it slowly nears completion I'm getting more and more excited to put it up for real on its own domain and webspace. Then it will be official. And hopefully perfect.

The second thing is an essay. Isotope is a Journal of Literary Science and Nature Writing. I thought, since I'd never done any science or nature writing really, that I might try it. I'm writing about destruction, pain, and carelessness and whether it really matters. What I have so far is very disconnected and short. But we'll see where it goes.

Somebody bombed the London Underground this morning. This saddens me. Just over a year ago I was there and I loved that city. I miss it. I hope it and everyone in it are alright.

In other news, Starcustard is a whole year old now. Congratulations to Chris and me for almost almost finishing chapter four on time for the party.

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