Friday, June 24

i'm too sleepy to remember

what was i going to write?

i began a new story the other day. it is about someone who does not want to be.

it hasn't gone anywhere much yet, but i expect it will try and run away from me soon.
the main characters are princess hannah, her nurse, and a mysterious visitor. oh, and a tree.

perhaps i shall post it, or a part of it, someday.

hm... i really wonder if there is not a way to make these blog things more naturally chronological. the whole bottom-up format drives me crazy sometimes.
okay, not actually crazy. and i'm used to it, because that's how it is. It's just ....something tells me there must be a better way. somehow. i don't know how....

summer is lovely. I have much time to write and play. It's great.

am i happy? happier? who cares.

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