Monday, March 30

superhighway supermarket

news isn't tied to paper. sometimes it's much easier to whisper things across the table than to write them down.

in this world there is so much news to choose from. information on nearly all conceivable subjects floats around in disorganized lumps, attached by thin threads of interest to names, places, dates, reasons. there is so much. we can't read it all, so we choose. we skim.

personally, I subscribe not to the New York Times but to the blogs of a handful of design-minded strangers, old friends, and web-cartoonists. does their news count as news? a video of this toddler's dance recital, a random outburst concerning some small personal triumph, or sardonic commentary like this...informative? not always. perhaps the line between news and entertainment has been blurred too far already.

isn't that beautiful? after all, it is all one giant conversation, even if you have to whisper across the continent. you can choose to tune out the star trek and turn up the typography. whatever you want. whoever you want to listen to.

also, more people should do this kind of thing. I know I want to.

{picture borrowed from some nice person on flickr}

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