Tuesday, March 10

in pursuit of something or other

being, as I am now, completely beyond academic direction and also having yet to acquire any consistent professional employment, I have been left since I returned from Canada to come up with projects for myself. this has been harder than I thought it would be. even my mother, who traditionally has schemes to redecorate some corner or other of our house when I come home (okay, okay--it's really me who traditionally instigates these schemes--but mum always collaborates!), is mainly leaving me alone, tossing in encouraging remarks about publishing something in my direction with her inquiries about my immediate plans for the future. though she did suggest I replace the wallpaper in one of the bedrooms. we're still thinking about that. we don't really like wallpaper.

so, things I have (some rather tentatively) on my list of stuff to keep busy with, in between looking for a real job:

designing a business card
submitting a short story to this publication
redesigning and updating my portfolio of design
volunteering to fill in some of these spaces
learning everything there is to know about GIMP
lending my skills to this web-building project, perhaps
memorizing a few piano pieces
creating a bit of art
once more taking up the violin
writing a novel
writing another novel
writing some more

if I can keep these things from being diluted too much with sleeping in and reading and playing tennis, I might get somewhere.

but of course the journey is worth much more than the actual arrival. so no matter what happens, life is good.

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