Tuesday, May 22

all of us and nobody

little things, they are important. brush your teeth, say your prayers, wear that seatbelt. smile. keep breathing.

and really, the bigger things (harder things)--graduate from college, buy a house, save the whales, write a novel--those are just accumulations of little things. little things like wake up on time and do your homework. take care of your savings account. recycle. sharpen your pencil. whatever. everything can be broken down.

little things are important. but they are so little. smile or frown, whichever. it is a little thing.

and the bigger things are important. but are they that big? buying a house is what people do. nothing too extraordinary.

lots of people write novels. what's the big deal?
if everything is important, then nothing is. is that how it goes? to share in an equality of importance is to be rendered... but that doesn't work. everything can be important. but we still have to ignore quite a lot of the everything. everything is too big.

i cannot buy a house today. i have no desire to buy a house, but this is only an example, so stay with me. actually i would rather buy plane tickets. nevermind that in my current situation i ought to be buying a few dozen pairs of nylons and some comfortable dress shoes. i would rather buy plane tickets. squander my last six weeks of normal life on something relatively less important.

i can't buy plane tickets. but i put _ buy plane tickets on a list.

just like i can't make everything equally important to me, even though it all really is. should be? maybe. someday...

_ do everything.

it's on the list.

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