Saturday, March 10

brick walls

i am a bit of a connoisseur of About pages. when i visit new websites, i always check out the About page. if there isn't one, they lose points. just like on job ads in the newspaper. if i don't know who the heck is going to be paying me, i don't feel inclined to apply.

my fascination for About pages goes hand in hand with my endless curiosity about what it's like to be other people. a curiosity that will never be appeased and will consequently never die. imagination is a wonderful thing, but it will never bring me to anything like the real, sustained, experience of being someone else. having a different set of eyes. claiming a totally other past.

impossible, i guess. if i were someone else, i'd just be them, and how would i know any different? it's one side of the fence or the other.

anyway. i'm fairly sure we are all meant to be ourselves and live one life among all these crowds of possibilities. i'm quite resigned. being me is cool, really, it is. most of the time my curiosity doesn't even border on becoming anything resembling envy.

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