Tuesday, October 3

meaning to do this

i finally got brave enough to hack away at the jungley blogger template code. i stayed up far too late monday evening taking the standard greenness and mangling it into this brand new design you see before you. i like it. it still needs a few improvements, but it looks rather nice, i think.

i was rereading my earliest blogposts on this thing... back from english 3410, junior year. i didn't know back then i'd be hacking away at any sort of code. right now i can almost almost see myself maybe someday figuring out one of those freaky programming languages. i've been stealing glances at the poignant guide to ruby lately.

that and italian. i will, with any luck, make myself into one of those stylish, multi-lingual people someday.

over the weekend i had a look into another of those 'i've meaning to do this' things: RSS feeds. everyone talks about them. everyone has those little buttons. 'subscribe to this blog.' so i tried it. i signed up at bloglines, just to see if consolidating all the blogs i read regularly and all the blogs i wish i read regularly into one little package really would make my life easier.

i don't think it did. or will. and in fact i think i might go so far as to declare myself opposed to the whole philosophy of RSS subscription.

i don't really get it. you take all these places, and you rip the content out, and you try to digest it just the same even though all the familiar format and layout and aesthetics are totally absent, and have been replaced with a totally other context. i think it defeats the purpose. i go to http://headrush.typepad.com to see the place that creating passionate users is. to see kathy sierra's graphics and the cute retro header image. bringing the place to me via some other medium doesn't quite work. it's like watching movies about Rome when you really just need to go there yourself.

anyway. those are my thoughts. maybe the words i'm typing here would mean just exactly the same stuff in someone's RSS feed, devoid of the soft greenish outlines and my random scribblies up at the top, divorced from my short list of not-so-important links. but it wouldn't be the same place.

also: [rough draft]

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