Thursday, June 29

waterslides and spoons.

well-designed things should be easy. like waterslides. whenever possible, they should also be beautiful. like spoons.

i quite enjoy spoons.

at my lovely new (still new, ish, i guess) job, i am developing a pricing catalogue.

this is one of the most demanding and complex assignments i've been given. it involves math, a thing i'm not very good at, and intense critical thinking, a thing i hope i am good at, but of course could always use more practice.

the drafting process is slow. i'm looking over costs, calculating percentages, quantifying design hours, and trying to match up all the possible customizations that anyone might walk in and ask for.

once that fiddly stuff is out of the way, i'll be able to take all the lovingly-crafted information and fit it up in clever and beautiful design solutions. we will have a very cool poster displaying every possible size of paper and envelope on it, priced reasonably and noted in inches (4.25 x 5.5) as well as standard sizes (A2). we will have a neatly bound catalogue with a table of contents listing every service, every product, also priced reasonably and defined in acurate and elegant marketingspeak. we will be communicating with our customers in a usable and successful manner.

at least these are my goals.

i also need to design an accurate and useful font booklet. it will be hard to resist the temptation to leave Comic Sans out.

i also need to figure out what on earth is going on with the website...... it is not beautiful, it's not finished, and it doesn't seem very easy either.

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