Tuesday, January 10

dead or alive?

having shown dear chris jordan his basically finished website design, i and he proceeded to talk about starcustard. chapter five is progressing nicely, 5 normal pages long already.

along with the new setting of hepthazard, there are several new characters.

defining them is going to be a small challenge for chris and i. writing starcustard has given us our share of arguments, but none so big as this one. more and more decisions are arising that might seriously impact the turn of the plot. one of my favourite professors in england (the american one, funnily enough) always reminded us that characterization drives plot. decisions about characters are powerful ones.

our conversation today hinged on characterization, and our questions ranged from the simple, what shall we name this character? to the crucial and serious, should this character even exist in that way in this place in the story? chris says wow. and he also says,
"... the story's getting so... real.
it's not the disagreements, especially. just the fact that our story is deep enough that decisions like this make a difference to the story in loads of ways.
and we have the POWER."
power. yes.
that's what i love about being creative.

in other chris-related news, the fatmanintweed.com design, as i mentioned, is practically finished.
the last thing i want to do is add some comments. i've never messed with comments before in my web work. i've always worked on my own, so it didn't matter if anyone could properly understand my code. but having researched so much lately on webstandards and compliances and design conventions, i can now see that comments are abosolutely necessary part of your code. i'm definitely going to incorporate them in any further work i develop for isotope, and the alumni network, and the english department site. in fact, for that latter project, comments will definitely be important because 21 people will be working together. they will want to know exactly what the heck has been going on with the coded webpage.

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