Saturday, December 31

perl before swine

fifty pages. geez it seemed like millions more than that. even if you do add in the roman numeraled pages and the bits of the glossary i had to look up.

speaking of which, i learned an amazing new word:


the definition in the glossary of Programming Perl, by larry wall, tom christiansen, and jon orwant, is hilarious and goes like this:

"the process of gluing one cat's nose to another cat's tail. Also, a similar operation on two strings."

and now that i'm everso educated about programming terms (i admit, i did read the glossary straight through up til P), i know what a string is. and all sorts of other weird terms, like scalar, array, hash, assignment, and operator.

the book, Programming Perl, is actually interesting. it has all sorts of metaphors, comparing the programming language to other languages: natural and formal ones. english, chemistry, geneological, it's insane.

it makes me want to take the few bits of knowledge i do have and mush them all up into something unified.

is that so impossible?

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