Wednesday, November 30

interviewing strategies

our chapter of the Society for Technical Communication held a workshop last evening all about what to do and what not to do in order to get a job. And by "get a job" we mean sell yourself to some sort of organization in return for a salary.
important thigns to remember:
  • look nice
  • be nice
  • be prepared
  • be interested
  • ask questions
  • follow up
  • network your heart out
This all goes back to some of the marketing concepts I've read about on other blogs like gapingvoid and creating passionate users.

but it also goes back to something bigger-- people. networking is all about creating relationships. meaningful ones. but...
sometimes people are hard to care about.
so how do you make your relationships mean something? surely it isn't something that can be forced.

rely on chance to bring nice people to you?
sacrifice your soul to the devil in order to make people like you?
sacrifice your soul to the world in order to make people like you?
ask the right questions?
have the right answers?

the key to everything.
like hugh macleod says, improve the conversation. the right questions, the right answers, the right words and the right attitude.

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